Asked: How does hair turn grey?

I'm wanting to know if hair can go from brown to grey over night?Does hair just lose color or does it have to grow out? I have this long grey hair that has just appeared like overnight and i haven't noticed it before.


Main reason of turning hairs grey is stress and secondly other reasons. For hair care and treatment pl. visit hair category in website below.

hair does not turn brown to grey overnight .it takes years for hair to turn brown to grey or unless u have hereditaoryproblems or u have put to much of other substances in ur hair.

Hair goes grey because pigment cells in the hair base at the roots of the hair stop producing melanin.

It doesn't matter if you are fair-haired or dark-haired you have the same chances of getting grey hair. However, it is more noticeable in darker haired people.

Greying of the hair generally starts at the age of around 30 for males and 35 for females however since the onset of this phenomena varies greatly from person to person, age is not the most accurate indicator.

The greying of hair appears to be genetically determined but the connection isn't at all clear.

So for now, your hair turning grey is just one of those mysteries of science that we have yet to solve. But salt and pepper hair always did look distinguished

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