Asked: How do I get silky smooth legs?

So summer is coming up and I want to get nice, smooth looking legs. I shave my legs on a regular basis as is, but no matter what I do, they can't stay smooth for more then 10 minutes. I'll put on a brand new razor blade, use shaving cream and moisturizer after I shave, but they still feel bumpy/stubley after an hour or so. Plus, I've been getting a lot of ingrown hairs all over the place and my legs never look so….smooth. Like, you can see the small black dots where the hairs grow. Also, I'm allergic to Nair, so that's out of the question.

So, how can I get nice legs for summer? Should I start using a sugar scrub? If so, how often? Is there any way I can reduce the black dots so they aren't so visible?


I have dark leg hairs so I have the same problem. I use a sugar scrub to exfoliate all the dead skin before I shave. Then I use shaving cream and a razor to shave. The key ingredient for getting really smooth legs is using vitamin e oil, or Vaseline brand oil as a type of lotion. Not only does it make your legs shiny like the celebrities, but it makes the skin sooo soft and works on keeping ingrown hairs away:)

This would sound like typical man panic, but you're only 17.This is NOT male pattern baldness.You should go see a doctor right away as the hair loss could be a symptom of something else–everything from radiation poisoning to severe stress or trauma.

Don't wait!

Well the good news is that there is a cure for that. Its called hair transplant! Its so effective and fast. Make a research on this.

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