Asked: how to hide hairs on my forehead?

I have bangs then under them are hairs about an inch long hair that grew when i was 12, I am 13 now. I don't like using gel because it makes my hair look greasy….:P Hair spray doesnt work and i tried to blow dry it but its just doesnt work… any ideas


i dont think having inch long hair on your forehead is normal so i would ask your docter

Are you talking about the little hairs at the very edge of your hairline at the top of your forehead? Or hairs that are protruding from the middle of your forehead?

If it's the hair at the edge of your hairline then that's normal. I have that too. They will never grow and they will never go away, so get used to it. Nobody notices or cares anyway.

If it's hair sticking out of the middle of your forehead then I say go get that crap lasered off permanently.

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