Asked: I Acidently Cut my baby hairs…?

I really need some help, i acidently cut the top of my forehead, the baby hair part and now they keep growing back much thicker and darker and more annoying. what should i do, my mum thinks i should laser it later in life but i want to model and i think that they wont want me if i have ugly forehead hair, also i thought about getting a fringe to cover it all but i cant handle a frienge beucase my hair is really thick.
Please help i am freaking out and i am really embarassed to ask anyone in person!


Keep cutting it off no one will ever know.

Until I was about 13 I had a widows peak hairline. Like Mickey Mouse. Then I cut it off and it kept growing thicker. But now almost ten years later I still cut it off almost every other day . It just falls into the eyebrow mustache routine . My boyfriend thinks this is my natural hairline. No one will never know

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