Asked: What do guys think about shory hair? and whats your opinion on extensions?

My hair is short and i can never get it to stay healthy if it grows past my chin and I just had to get it cut to about my ears today and I'm thinking about just letting it stay healthy and just letting it grow to my chin and keeping it there. I'm very petite I guess I'm 5'3 and a half I weigh 100 my lips are pouty I have a little nose.andI'm mixed.But I feel like whenever I have my hair short guys don't look at me at all. So guys what do you think of girls who's hair is naturally short? And what do you think about girls and hair extensions ?


I like short hair on girls but that might just be me.

I'm a girl, just so you know, and I have advice for you.
Don't be someone you don't wanna be just to impress guys. Be yourself and if they like you the way you are they'll stick with you. I know this is just about hair, but still. Some guys like short hair, some like long, some don't care, some just like the personality (ones i personally like). Don't mess with your hair if you don't want to just to impress people. Like I said, if they like you how you are they'll stick with you.

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