Coconut oil for hair has been used for years and has many benefits to your hair, scalp and

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

skin when either consumed or applied to your hair. Coconut oil has been known to restore natural moisture resulting in smooth shiny hair and a much clearer complexion. Some studies have shown that coconut oil has the ability to penetrate the hair shaft and work its way through the layers of the hair strand. Below are some of the ways that coconut oil can benefit your hair.


Coconut oil for dry scalp


Dry scalp or dandruff can be very uncomfortable and sometimes and even embarrassing. This condition can be caused by either dryness or by a fungus, with regular use of coconut oil in your hair which should help alleviate dryness flaking and or itching of your scalp. To get instant relief from flaking and itching mix in some lemon juice with your coconut oil. Simply squeeze a whole lemon into your coconut oil, mix thoroughly than massage the oil and lemon juice on your scalp by doing this regularly can help keep dandruff under control.


Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair – Summary


Coconut oil has many benefits for your hair and skin including dandruff, itchy scalp.  It also

acts as a natural moisturizer, ads vitamins such as vitamin K. E. and vitamin E. in particular helps give your hair a nice shine. Application of coconut oil is very simple just take 2tbsp. of oil warm it slightly gently massage into your hair and leave it in your hair for approximately fifteen to 30 minutes or you can apply coconut oil at night wrap your hair with a towel and cover with a shower cap and leave oil on all night. Either way fifteen to 30 minutes or overnight there are two schools of thought on how to remove coconut oil from your hair number one rinse with cold water for approximately five minutes or so, or use your normal shampoo to remove oil. As far as increasing the amount or speed of hair growth there isn’t any scientific proof that it can do this however the benefits of adapting a coconut oil treatment to your hair regime can be very beneficial in the long run by reducing the amount of hair breakage, split ends and hair fall.

Make Hair grow Faster and Longer


Tips to – Make Your Hair  Grow Faster Longer