Asked: Does bleached hair take forever to gtow?

I would like to know because i only bleached once. And any tips in how to make it grow fast.


Dying or bleaching your hair won't affect the speed that it grows at.

it damages your hair so yeah it will probably take longer to grow, but you should get a damage control or organic shampoo too help. (those also help with growing) and you could try taking biotin. its a pill that makes your hair and nails grow faster and be stronger

If you only bleached it once, your hair isn't gonna have any problems growing. It's really only if you've bleached many times and it looks dead and kinda like straw. But, if you want your hair to grow fast, try massaging your scalp for about 5-10 minutes and that should help in the growing process. Also, you could try hair vitamins, although I doubt they do anything.c:

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