Asked: Get Eyebrows to grow Faster?

I heard putting olive oil and vinegar on a banana peel and rubbing it on your eyebrows for 2 min then sleeping with it on overnight helps the hair grow back faster. Is this true ? Has anyone tried?


are you one of those gangster girls who cuts off their eye brows and puts sharpie

Vasline really helps u,it helps to grow hair,eyebrow,eyelashes etc…..once try and you will knw

I'm in the middle east too currently.

I heard some things as well that blew my mind at first, but I didn't have anything to lose so I did try a few of them.

1. You need to make a paste out of garlic and sleep with over night- The smell is intoxicating but the results are well worth it, it worked wonders for my brows and skin actually, but not so much for my husband 🙂

2. You can shave them off completely and they usually grow back faster than you think, 3-4 days tops and you can just draw them in meanwhile.

3. Vaseline OR simply body lotion.

That's about all the things that worked well for me especially the garlic 🙂 🙂

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