Asked: Hair damage and uneven growing?

I talked to my hair stylist about this. My hair is only damaged on the bottom. It has been like this since i was really young (before styling my hair). When I say the bottom, I mean the bottom layer. The hair from the base of my head to about an inch above that. My stylist told me that hair grows in sections sometimes and parts of your hair will grow longer than others before breaking. Can someone help with this because I just want to know science/theory behind this.

P.S Yes I blowdry and straighten/curl my hair. I use heat protectant, its irrelevant because I dont blow dry that part and i dont straighten that part either. The other parts of my hair are healthy, and i blow dry and straighten it.


I use to have the same problem when i was youger i had black hair and i was simply just sick of it, so i decided to strip my hair and then dye it brown. Therefore my hair was rell dried out and started breaking of a little at the ends so i deep condition my hair plus i used its a 10 every morning. You can also get nextis its very good for the hair i would apply before i went to bed and in the morning my ends were eventally fine now i dont need any of the prducts.

I honestly don't know what you mean when talking about "bottom" layer. Do you mean the ends? And what is the base of your head? Perhaps you mean the nape? It is not very clear to me at all.

The explanation from your hair dressers sounds really fishy to me, and maybe you didn't understand it clearly or explain it properly to us. It doesn't make much sense as it stands.

Everyone has some "damage" on the ends of their hair. That is the oldest part of the hair, and has been exposed to more things. It is usually a little lighter than the roots area. Is it a different texture than the rest?

Hair does not grow in sections. But every hair may not grow at the same rate; over a couple of months you will see a difference in some of the hairs (most noticeable in bleaches where there is a drastic change in colour, or with white hair) being a little shorter than others. If the hairs are breaking off, that is bad news. Something else is happening there, and you need to find out what it is. Hairs don't normally break off, unless they are severely damaged.

Since you already asked your hairdresser, you may have to talk to someone else and get a different opinion. Without really seeing what your trouble is, it is hard for me to guess as to what to do about it.

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