Asked: what are some hairstyles for REALLY curly hair?

I am CV and have REALLY curly hair,and i am running out of hairstyles to do i don't wanna flat iron my hair unless its a occasion cuz i don't want 2 use 2 much heat so my hair can grow,i usually do a pony tail or a bun or a do a twisty then either a ponytail or a bun and i don't like leaving it out unless i just washed it cuz its 2 much work is there any easy quick hairstyles that will take 5 to 10 minuets??


If youre skinny i recomend u to just take a shower and put moose after. I like how puffy hair looks on skinny tall girls

Ok so the night before you go to bed braid your hair and when you wake up undo the braids and youll have wavy hair

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