Asked: Could i be a storm models?

Hi i am 16 and i would to apply for storm model management.i am a black girl who is aspiring to being s model.there not many black models so do i stand a chance.i have short medium hair,big eyes,thick bushy eyebrows,high cheekbones slighly,medium lips and gap tooth smile with dimples.i sm size 6/8.i am average skin so not light but not dark.
I am almost 5'6 and i called the agency and they said they would consider because i am still growing
What kind of photos shall i submit.
Can i do it


You can do anything if you believe.

Just wait and see

You submit a clear head shot and a full body shot in either fitted clothing (skinny jeans, a tight t-shirt) or a bikini
Why not apply- you never know


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