Asked: how can I get healthier, longer, thicker hair?

is there shampoos or products I can use to make my hair thicker? Also any tricks to fast growing hair, im trying to grow it out for the summer. thanks


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Use best shampoos for your hair and always at night clean your hair.
Well the healthiest way is to eat right, take your vitamins and all the naturaly good stuff.
Also, do not touch your hair a lot. It will damage your scalp. Everyone also says to air dry your hairbecause they are afraid of split ends, but seriously. When your hair is wet, it is easy to get damaged. So DO blow dry your hair. other than that, you can get hair pills, extensions, etc. Trim your hair often, it makes your hair grow faster!
Products don’t make your hair healthy. Well, they do but it’s not the only thing that makes you’re hair healthy. You have to put some effort into it, too. Such as not using heat as often (like only use heat every couple of months,) eat healthy, do hair treatments, and putting it in protective styles.
Unfortunately there is no magic pill or whatever that will make your hair grow faster and longer. You’re hair has a determined speed (typically 1/2 in -1 in per month) and the speed of growth is all based on your genetics. So I’m afraid you won’t be getting waist length hair by the summer if you aren’t all ready near that length.
And for thickness, I have no clue! I never need to worry because mine is naturally thickkkk.
Hope i helped xo

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