Asked: Is long hair more popular than short hair? What should I get?

Right now my hair is about 2-3 inches below my shoulder. I have one of those faces that works with all haircuts and it is about time for a trim.
I really hate this "in between" length that my hair is at right now and I'm considering cutting it to just above my shoulder. But, then when I look around almost all teenage girls have long (mid back or longer) length hair an I was wondering. Is it more "main-stream" to have long hair? Is having shorter hair more unique?
Also, I know that guys prefer longer hair. But, can shorter hair still be attractive?
I've never been one to do something just because everyone else is doing the same thing. But if everyone likes longer hair, I may just have to grow it out again….
Thanks for answering!


let it grow out and do an ombre do.. those are cool and give yourself some wavy curls.. you can do more with long hair than you can with short.

You should get it shorter(: Long hair in not necessarily mainstream it just looks more youthful. If you can pull off short hair then do it! I honestly love my long hair and will never cut it lol not to mention that I look horrible with short hair lol(:

I used to have long hair and got bored of it but I cut my hair and regret it.You can't do much with little amount that you have and there are so many new hairstyle people are inventing.Everyond is different so maybe you will like the hairstyle just remember you limit what you can do. But guys are attracted to any length and if any length looks good on you then you should be good 🙂 hope this helped

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