Asked: Ladies opinion on a dude’s hairstyle or lack there of?

this sounds pretty conceited of me but I've been wondering and I'm more comfortable asking a bunch of random strangers than my idiot friends haha

I'm 21 and I've been growing my hair out for a few years. It's down to my shoulder blades but I usually wear it tied up in a sort of bun like Brad Pitt- not that I look like him!
Hair is always kept clean yet pretty masculine I think and I'm a pretty natural, healthy, and fit guy.
I have a few dreadlocks but they're not easily visible. They and the length of my hair are spiritual dedications that I don't take lightly
I don't think looks are everything but I don't want to attract the wrong type of woman (which has happened)
Confident, but shy with pretty women like a curse… Not necessarily looking because I'm too focused right now, and too committed to the hair for a major cut anytime soon, but what are your opinions on that hair style for an otherwise awesome and attractive dude haha?


I like guys with longer hair. But that's just one girl's opinion. Keep it!

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