Asked: Shaving legs with electrical shaver? help/tips?

I recently started growing a lot of hair on my legs, and I want to shave it off for my check up tomorrow.

I do not have any gel/foam and im too embarrassed to ask my parents

will this change the outcome?? do i work against or with the hair growth?

please dont make fun of me im embarrassed typing this already


if you dont have foam or gel you could use conditioner, shampoo, soapwhile in the shower or lotion on your legs .. go against, this makes your legs super smooth… If you go along the growth, it won't be a smooth a shave.

the treatment is needed for his healthy. so it is not sinful for him if he cant grow facial hair such as beard and moustache.

It is not sinful, whether a person has such a cancer or not. You will get savaab for growing a beard, but no azaab for not growing them.

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