Asked: Do girls like guys with chest hair?

I'm a fairly skinny, average size male. I have chest hair, but my Italian background means it grows at a rapid rate. Shaving won't help. I'm afraid of asking a girl out because maybe ill have to take my shirt off. Is there any hope for me??


depends on the girl

I dont mind a little but you should still shave 😮

I don't mind chest hair but a few of my friends do so it depends on the girl…

It depends from girl to girl. Some are into it while others don't like it.

its doesnt any mean
but they good

Tbh, I never thought having body hair could create this kind of dilemma. But there must be plenty of girls who are a bit on the hairy side too who would be a bit more tolerant?

The women I have known do like it.My ex gf told me that it was an endowed measure of my manliness and overall sexual attraction.

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