Asked: Do you know where can i order a front lace human hair wig?

I want a human hair front lace wig that i can dye, shower , straight/curl/blow dry and a wig that i can use everywhere like gym.. A wig that wont fall off.. Plus i want it to be thick asian/indian hair 18 inches.. The hairstyle must be layers And side bangs
(make sure it doesnt look fake.. It has to be 100000 % HUMAN HAIR!) plus make sure i can go swimming with that wig.. My hair is really really damage.. So i would like to cut my hair really short and just wear a HUMAN HAIR wig till my hair grow long and healthy.. I’ve been bullied because of my damage ugly friz dry hair 🙁 help pls


I’m going to take up a wailing for you recommend a good website, there are a variety of materials, different style, different colors, different styles of wigs, I believe you will choose the wigs you want.

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