Asked: Shaved my arms and now im regretting it? Help?

So i gave into peer pressure today and shaved my arms. They’ve never really been all that bad but I noticed it and became really self conscious. A bunch of my friends, even guys I know shave their arms and I thought that it would be no biggie, but my parents told me not to do it. And I’m regretting it now.

How fast does it grow back?
Does it grow in like leg hair (Really thick)?
Can I ever grow it back like normal again?
Do you shave them?


it grows really fast but believe that you are beautiful
Well im not sure exactly if this is for everyone because everyone is different but one time this bully i new had a shaver and shaved my arm without permission. and i was really worried it was gonna grow back really thick but it didn’t. im pretty sure if you only do it once it will most likely grow back normal. now i am not an expert on this but this is what happened to me. just make sure you don’t shave your arms again because it could grow back thicker and darker!!:):)
usually you’ll see hair again the next day just like your legs.
the thickness depends on the person whether your own hair grows back thick
yes of course.
i prefer to wax so i don’t have to shave every day (seriously, it grows back pretty quick)

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