Asked: How long for hair to grow?

My hair is curly so it takes more time to grow and it's just a bit shorter than my shoulders and I'm trying to grow it just a bit
higher than my belly button, how long do you think it will take?


Hair grows approx 1/4 inch per month, so a long time


it depends on genetics an how well you take care of it…i used mane n tail shampoo and it really helped my hair grow a bunch..i hope i helped in some way =)

On average, hair grows 6 inches per year so thats about 1/2 inch per month. Be patient, dont over manipulate your hair, wear protective styles such as braids and buns or do twists. Your hair will be protected from breakage and your hair will be longer before you know it. A watched pot never boils. Dont spend too much time thinking about your hair. If you do all these things your hair will reach your belly button in about 3-4 years when you stretch it out.

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