Asked: Should I cut my long boring hair? need a confidence boost after depression?

My hair is neraly down to my lower back, no bangs grown out layers and I kinda just have on a side parting, I'm not feeling confident whenever I go out with it open, I have a long slim face and have recently lost a lot of weight due to depression I have suffered for yearsso I'm not looking my best! Feeling very ugly, so was thinking to ger my hair cut or something but don't want to regret chopping it all off any suggestions on what I can do?


get it trimmed and layered, maybe cut off a couplel inches but not much. men LOVE long hair!! its so hard to grow out. everytime i grow mine out i end up cutting it all off. and now im to my ears, and i totally regret it! or you could get it died/highlighted?

I was just like you, and i hated my hair. i now have a scenish hair cut its part down the side and i have TONS of hair and side bangs.

I say go for it. get a cute make over!

I say cut it, but if youre new to layers DO NOT get too many or else your hair will get thin and feel light. it will also be hard to work with

Dont cut it too short my best friend cut off her hair that was as long as yours to her shoulders and she HATES it, i say go to your collar bone?

Dont get tons of bangs right away, ease yourself into them cuz they can get anoying and cause you to break out.

I bet you will look beautiful! best of luck 🙂

My hair was just getting past my elbows when I decided I needed a change. So I got it cut. Short. It now only just comes past my jaw line 🙂 I added a fringe and dyed it a near black – a real change from a side parting and brown hair with highlights!

So far, everyone has said it was a great decision. The new style suits my face, it's easy to maintain (though extreamly weird the first time you wash and dry it!) and I can do more with it – full fringe, bangs, tuck hair behind my ears, in front of my ears, wear hair bands and clips 🙂

The way I see it is that every now and then you need a real change, sometimes its cutting nearly all your hair off (my nan says I look like Jessie J before children in need haha) and sometimes its getting a new job or moving out of your parents house (done both).

At the end of the day you need to do something that will make you grin, not just smile, and it should ALWAYS be because it's your choice. Any way, if you don't like it you can get extensions or even a wig if needs be! 🙂

Hope you find something to keep you grinning 😀

Cut it in a V form..its really cute.And then ask the hair stylist what hair color goes better w you 🙂

Go to a salon, get it trimmed and get a new beautiful hairstyle(layers look good on everyone) but don't chop them off completely!
My hair used to grow like crazzzyyy and I used to get it cut real short. Now that I want it to grow,its taking so much time 🙁
Anyway,spend plenty on yourself because you deserve itandddd my friend has super long,straight layered hair and it looks so gorgeous. If youstill want, well, cut them an inch or so.
Do whatever you like, just don't end up regretting 🙂

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