Asked: Hair dye gone wrong?! Help!!?

I died my hair red and them brown to get rid of blonde,I've had the brown in for about 5 months I've been trying to grow it out but then today I used a blonde peroxide dye to lift the colour it worked a little but left my roots blonde!!! and the rest of my hair is brown,
Do I strip it and start over?Or just put another brown on
I am aiming for a dark brown and then going to add tan/light brown highlights
Please help!!


Have you used colour b4 or colour hair stripper? That should lift it to a brown but much lighter.

don't strip it, it'll damage your hair sooo badly. Go to a professional and have them fix it. Make sure to tell them ALL them chemicals you have in it and all the different dyes. If you try to fix it yourself your hair could fall out because of all the dyes in it. Defiantly let a professional handle it.

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