Asked: How do i make my hair grow super super super faaast!?

I have bleeched my hair a few times over the last 3 yrs and it hasnt been growin to fast its about a liitle londer than shoulder length and i wont to get it really long. Iam on holidays at the moment (easter holiday) for about 2 weks and want my hair to grow alot before school. What do i do to my hair to make it grow reaaaly fast, inexspensive ways possibly and what are some great hair masks for this solution

Also i dont know how to comment back on your answers so can someone help me with that i want to know how to comment after your answerslike if i have a question about your answers thanks a heap 🙂


If you often cut your hair,it may grow more fast
Ways to make your hair grow longer:
1. Living in a hot place
2. Washing hair with hot water if you live some where cold
3. eating fruits
4. 10 GLASSES of water EVERY day
5. Regular trims
6.Flip your head over for about 2-4 minutes daily. This may sound weird but it tends to stimulate hair follicles by reversing the flow of blood.
8. drink milk
9. my personal choice Arganlife
Hey, sweetie ( ^^)
I’m trying to grow out my hair, too so I’ve been doing research.
One thing to do is by a product that will restore health to your hair. They don’t have to be very expensive. I have gotten a lot of helpful stuff at Wal-mart and The dollar tree!
You will have to be prepared to look silly while sitting around at home because some of things require a moisture cap. A shower cap can be used in it’s place.
#1. Reduce stress. Worrying and stress are harder on your body than you may imagine.

Check the links to helpful ways to aid hair growth

Personally, I do well with eating spinach, cereals, yogurt (I luv yogurt), fish oil capsules, Vitamins B-12, D and A. Getting out and walking, gardening and stuff helps reduce stress as do video games, sometimes. Staying offline and writing in a notebook or just getting a nap is good for you, too.

Treat your hair with luv () Don’t rub your shampoo around in your hair when you wash it. Instead, slick it on and use the tips of your fingers to massage your scalp. Then, rinse it out as well as you can.
Use a gentle shampoo. You’ll probably need to try a few out first, as most will dry your scalp.
Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Rinse Out Conditioner is one of the best conditioners in the world! It makes your hair feel so soft.

Anyway, Drugstores like wallgreens and CVS have numerous products to aid hair growth.

I hope this helps ()


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