Asked: A little part of my hair isn’t growing?

Well to start off, my hair is fine, but it's thick in volume. I noticed today that the hair off to the front sides around my hairline isn't growing. I remember at one point I cut them really short when I had my hair layered, but that was almost a year ago.
I recently went to get my hair trimmed to get rid of the split ends…and then I noticed that certain section of my hair is still short. I'm pretty healthy, I have a good diet, and I do take all my vitamins…by now that section of my hair should be really long, but it just looks really short compared to the rest of my hair length, and it doesn't look right :/
I don't know what the problem could be, I just want those sections to grow. Please help.


A little part is no not tensction

You are probably suffering from breakage. You could be pulling the hair back to tightly when wearing ponytails or buns, handling it too roughly and/or not keeping it moisturized enough. Try deep conditioning your hair at least every other time you wash your hair. Use a moisturizing treatment and apply a big glop to your hair from root to tip. Put extra on the section that is not getting any longer. Leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water. Out of the shower, apply a good leave in conditioner and comb it through gently with a wide tooth comb starting from the tips of your hair and working your way up.

Those things do have their negative effects but its up to you what u do with that information. I'm sure there are products to protect your hair from getting damaged . But you shouldn't be afraid just be careful with the treatment of your hair . I have heard that using flat irons, curling irons etc. could damage your hair .

Not really,if you are putting chemicals in your hair I suggest you be careful and only have a professional do it,your scalp could have a reaction to the chemical of the product and completely burn your scalp and leave you bald..It's true you can dye your hair but what I am saying is be careful and pay attention to the products information

While what this person may or may not be true, I can assure you that your hair will 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 of the time be perfectly fine as long as a Professional is doing it. It is sooooooo rare for anything to happen. A long time ago technology was not very good and things like that would happen. If you want to go ahead and dye your hair, get a perm or whatever you want to do! I say dye it 500 times! 😛 Enjoy your new look!

I think the person is more interested in scoring points than helping you..never heard of anyone going I to a coma from hair dye, or hair stop growing from curling or flat irons..I've used all, and have never had a problem..just deep condition your hair once or twice a month and you'll be cool…don't be's not true…

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