Asked: Why is my hair growing really slow, what should i do ?

My hair used to grow pretty fast and it was very long, i started to dye it every month and also would straigten it. Months ago i bleached my hair and that was the biggest mistake i have ever done, Now my hair is growing very slow, it took about half a year to grow not even an inch. Perhaps its because my roots are growing but my split ends are breaking off, and im too scared that if i trim my hair that it wont grow and be short forever, what should i do ?


Wash your hair frequently. Maybe 2-3 times a day.

Check this out.

I also think lots of protein helps

I'm not quite sure.. maybe some sort of hair treatment things they have in stores might work for you, I don't know.

You need to get a trim every two months or its not going to grow. When you go to wherever youre getting the haircut, ask the hair dresser about the damage and if you can use some product to fix it

Do NOT wash your hair as much as that crazy person told you to. That is so har on your hair! Unless you have especially greasy hair or something, only wash it every other day. Every day, flip your hair upside down and massage your scalp gently for a few minutes. That will activate hair follicles. Use hair repair shampoos and treatments. Use as little heat as possible on your hair. I've heard about this process you can do at salons that washes even permanent dye out of your hair and returns it to it's natural state. While I don't know much about it, it may be worth looking into

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