Asked: Pixie to bob haircut? and how to fade temp hair color?

Ok so i dyed my hair black a few months ago with Clairol natural instincts and it said it only lasted 28 shampoos but its still in my hair! Is there anything i can do to fade it without messing up my newly grown out natural hair color?

Also im thinking about growing out my short pixie cut to a chin length bob and i was wondering how long it would take? It needs to grow 2 to 3 inches and im guessing it will take 4-6 months? Also summer is coming up so it might grow faster? What do you think?

I guess my main questions are how do i get rid of temporary hair color without changing my natural color? And how long do you think it will take for my hair to grow out?

Thank you!


Try pepermint extract to fade it or Pert shampoo works really well and you can get it anywhere its cheap

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