Asked: Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)?

I suffered from trichotillomania just after my mum passed away (age 9) and I’m 17 now I have just managed to stop the urge to pull my hair out,I only pulled from my eyelashes and eyebrows though,my eyelashes are at a decent length so I can put on mascara now, but my eyebrows however aren’t growing back very well at all, are there any ways to speed up the growing process or will they not grow back?
– no hate please 🙂


Aww.. I don’t think so :’/
you can try using disposable mascara wands to put olive oil, castor oil, or vasaline on your eyebrows and eyelashes twice a day. It will make them stronger and speed the growth rate. Put it on once before you go to bed then wash it off in the morning. Hope this helps(: and good for you!
The thing is that eyebrows are “programmed” to grow to a very small length. So its better to give them a lil tym, and by that I mean 6 months, and after that you will see a change. Try photos for comparison if you want to. But keep in mind that its gonna take a while…

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