Asked: how to make my hair grow really fast?

i have short hair and need a change and i LOVE long hair


Getting your hair trimmed every so often will stimulate the growth.
use mane&tail shampoo
when shampooing massage scalp to get all the gunk out.
trim every 6 weeks


Take 5000mcg biotin every day. Wash hair every other day so your hair won’t loose as much essential oils. Use heating stuff as little as possible on hair don’t dye or highlight it. Keep split ends trimmed off.
Keep your hair up in tight buns, pony tails, anything that will, basically pull on it slightly. That’s how I got my hair to grow really fast. Also eat a lot of protein, and keep your hair clean.
If you’re of appropriate age, I’d say between 16-18, take a women’s multivitamin everyday. I do, and I think I’ve seen a difference in not only my hair, but my nails too. After showers and your hair is wet, brush it out with a comb, not a brush. Using a comb prevents much less breakage. One should always get their hair trimmed too, about every 4-6 weeks. Trimming takes off dead/split ends and just makes hair look/feel much better. Make sure you consume plenty of rich and leafy greens, good fruits and vegetables. Also, drink plenty of water too, I carry a water bottle with me at all times. Hope I helped!
I take 5000 of biotin every day for about 6 months now and it really helps with faster growing hair…but if you need a change fast hair extensions are the answer!

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