Asked: I think I’m losing my hair and I’m a woman, what do I do?

I started noticing last year that all along the front of my hairline the hair was not growing properly it only seemed to grow a few centimeters and no more. Now My hair is noticeable thinner at the front, in direct sunlight you can see straight through to my scalp. I'm really freaking out about it, why is this happening to me? What should I do about it? Because I honestly think I'd rather be dead than bald, I couldn't live like that I'm already way too self conscious about my appearance.


Sounds to me like you have a vitamin deficancy. Talk to your doctor.I also herd pre-natal vitamins are great for your hair. Good Lukc!

don't be over dramatic. there is such thing as a wig, dont go throwing the word death around like hair is the meaning of life.

if you are noticing a genuine difference ask a hair dresser or a doctor

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