Asked: Should I shave my head or not?

I spent 7 months growing my hair long. its not too long but is around medium size.I love 60's rock n roll and want to grow it in that style. however my hair looks very messy and sometimes looks like a moptop which makes me look gay. now my uncle says I should shave my head. it would suit me, he says. I feel I'll look very tough and badass in that style. now my problem is, i'm a bit attached to my current hair because I spent 7 months growing it but I also want to shave it because it would suit me.
What should I do?


You dont have to shave it all just cut it slightly 🙂 Could you answer my question in return please

No bald men who have lost there hair would love to have your hair do not do it. I would say just cut it a bit to where it's not all messy.

Depends on your face shape. Some people look great with a shaved head and some people look like complete idiots.

You must love JimMorrison that much

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