Asked: I am african American and I am going on a hair journey to grow my hair?

I just need some tips for my hair journey. I also need some natural hairstyles I could use without any heat. I also need different healthy foods to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. How should I dry and style my hair. What greases shampoos and conditioners for my type of hair should I use to promote the hair growth. My hair only get curly when wet by the way.


nothing you put on your hair can make it grow faster
what you need is a healthy diet and your hair will grow like weed and genetics play a role too
so most people say that hair grows 1/2 an inch a month but you can grow it faster
first you need Biotin , zinc, vitamin b12 .A, D those are essentials for hair growth if you don't get then naturally then buy pills
i take 5000 mcg of biotin , zinc and msm ( it maked you hair grow so fast because of the sulfur in it ) so start gradually increasing the dosage , you will notice the results in a month or even weeks it depends
i personally notice that my hair was so strong and shiny in the first week and it doesn't shed at all
so beside that there are some home remedies that aid in hair growth try these
castor oil: apply castor oil only on scalp everyday then leave it overnight and wash in the morning ( castor oil is so sticky so you can use a carrier oil)
cayenne pepper: wierd i know but it irritates the scap so more blood flow . don't use the cayenne pepper alone use it with oils ( for best results castor oil)
GHE*greenhouse effect) apply oil or wet your hair then put a plastic cap and wrap it with a scarf .
you may heard that hair grows quicker in the summer that's why this method works
I am sure if you do that your hair will grow in 2-3 weeks
good luck

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