Asked: what is an epilator ?

i want to remove my body hair, but the hair grows back to fast when i shave, and i cant take the pain of waxing. i was researching and found out about this “epilator” thing, but what exactly is it ? is it a method of shaving, or is it some sort of device ? is it effective ? is it expensive ? how long do the results last ? and would you recommend it ?


An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. The way in which epilators pull out hair is similar to waxing.
Epilation can be painful to some people because, as with waxing, it involves pulling hair out of the roots. Because of the pain involved being particularly bad on the first epilation of an area, some people prefer to have the area professionally waxed first, then use epilation to remove regrowth.
It is basically like a dozen tweezers – it plucks out your hair. And it’s a machine. Don’t use this for large areas like your legs. It hurts. It produces similar results to waxing IF done well but it takes ten times longer.
Something that removes hair
It is painful.. actually, painful doesn’t begin to describe it!

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