Asked: I miss my old hair and I feel really sad now. help?!?

so I've had front short bangs for like a few years now, I decided I'm growing it out since I think I look too much like a little kid with them. they are down to my eye now and I sudden feel very sad about growing out my bangs. I feel like I had them for so long and all the sudden they are gone. I know I can cut it again but it would be different. like the thickness of my bangs and how far back on my head it goes would all be different and would feel weird. now the everyday habit of combing my bangs down would have to be changed and my like monthly haircut I do myself would stop too. it just feels weird and I feel really emotional that I'm getting rid of something I had for so long and I was so used to.
share experience or help me a little? I don't like feeling like this because I just got over a phase of sadness over losing something else


Be a woman then

I am not going to judge you or act like i know anything about what you are going through. All i would say is first give working out with heavy weights a try for a few months, so you are sore after every workout. Deadlifts, squats, benchpress. Stop drinking tap water and other estrogen raising products, eat well. This is likely all a hormone imbalance and i think you will be much happier in life if you could correct it. Give it a legitimate shot at least before you make the decision.

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