Asked: Is a Gallon of water alot for me to drink a day?

So I heard that I could drown from inside if I drink to much water…Im trying to grow my hair so I thourght that if I drink alot(1 GALLON-2 BOTTLES OF 2LETRE) it may grow a bit faster…Thanks for any help appreciated 🙂 <3 xxx



I doubt you can drown from that much water. I think you would have to drink like three or for gallons of water BUT I would be careful because you don't wanna damage and organs in your body. Try downing it to like a half gallon of water and then uping it. You want your body to slowly build tolerance to that much water BUT I wouldn't go any high then a gallon a day! 🙂
Also, Try going to a salon and getting a product to help your hair grow,longer it would be a lot easier!

Drinking more water is not the solution. Find vitimins for hair, skin and nails; find a gentle shampoo and do not wash your hair every day. Avoid coloring or bleaching, avoid a blow dryer. Eat a healthy diet. Drinking a gallon of water will make you run for a bathroom every ten minutes, leech your body of nutrients and more than that could lead to pulmonary edema which can be fatal.

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