Asked: Older sisters constantly picking apart my looks?

Ok. So my sisters are jealous of me and feast in my demise.
So, I am the youngest of three sisters. My eldest sister is 10 years older than me and my other sister is 8 years older. My eldest sister is quite aggressive and controlling. She’s dark haired and dark green eyed. The middle sister is competitive and likes to try to be the best sister. By dressing well, wearing makeup and going to the gym and dieting. She’s slim and thinks that makes her great. Now, I am the youngest. I’ve never thought of myself as that attractive, but my family really think so. I have blue eyes and as a child blonde hair, which is more brown now. But anyway, my grandma thinks I’m pretty and makes a fuss around me and my parents have admitted finding me the best looking. I don’t agree.
My sisters notice this and it’s really set me up for failure.They are constantly making snide remarks on my appearance and trying to make me conscious. I remember when I was 15 and just done with puberty, they tore me apart for gaining weight since my prepubescent days?! Now I’ve grown out of that they still try to criticize me for what I wear or how I look. Saying I am just “less exotic” because I’m not dark. They hate that I get complimented on my high cheekbones which they are determined to convince me I do not have. My relationship with my oldest sister is improving, because of our similar sense of humor but my middle sister is always making mean comments.
I am emotional right now because something brought up all the comments they have made about me. It really makes me feel pathetic, ugly and useless.
How can I ignore what they say?
Is it jealousy or do they just hate me?


They’re jealous of you
Women have beauty and men desire that but with time that beauty fades and men lose interest.

Make the most of it now your sisters are jealous because men real men have stopped taking any notice only mugs fools and thugs take any notice of them now.

Jelousy makes you nasty and they want to break you down coz they have a low self asteam
You dont need to worry at all! The same thing happens with me! The best thing to acknowledge is that you guys are sisters! Sisters tear eachother apart sometimes! They are probably just jealous as you sound like youre really pretty. They probably dont mean what they say, and if they do criticize you, take it in as constructive criticism! Im sure they both love you so much really. And if they are really really getting to you, just pick out a tiny little comeback, it will feel much better! Hope this helps!
“feast in my demise…”? nottoo melodramatic. toobadtheyrenotstep-sisters oryoucouldhaveaproperCinderellacomplexbrewing

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