Asked: Grow long healthy hair!?

my hair is a little past my shoulders, nearly arm pit length. I cut it to the top of my shoulders about 2 months ago Ish and trimmed is a out 2 times since then It has grown about an inch Ish in that time… I massage my head all the time, use a wide tooth comb and when I shower I use mane n tail and a good conditioner with cold water is there anything else I could do speed it up a little bit my hair has never been that long probably down to my boobs but never got over that point…. Thank you for reading this x x x


I'm trying to grow my hair out to, after accidently getting a lot more off than I expected. I have been researching it so much and the mian thing that I have come up wit his Biotin. You can find Biotin in many forms, nuts particularly. If you are really desperate you can take a biotin pill, but it has been known to bring on acne so I an not doing that just yet., At the moment thogh I am taking tablets that contain some iotin just 20-30 mcg. For the moment I'd rather not risk acne but it's up to you. Other things like healthy eating and exercising can help to, but I can't guarantee it works because I have always had long hair till now and I a waiting to see how fast it grows. Good Luck!

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