Asked: How can I make my hair grow longer without spending money?

Basically, my hair is just sitting on my shoulders after I had it all cut for a good cause. But it's grew back really thin and it's not growing very fast at all, I was wondering if there is any tricks to make it grow through longer and thicker reasonably quick?


Eating protein helps growth, but I don't think it will make your hair grow any FASTER.The best thing to do is not use a blow dryer, if you can get away with it.Breakage will make it seem like your hair isn't growing.If you have to blow-dry, use a low setting and an anti-breakage syrum in your hair, especially at the tips.

Eat healthy, vegetables and fruits

Don't do anything to damage it. Stay away from hot tools and dying it. Don't wash your hair every day, and whenever you do wash it make sure to use a good conditioner. (A good drugstore conditioner would be Aussies 3 minute miracle. It's lovely.)
Massage your scalp.
Be nice to your hair
Don't cut it unless you need to

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