Asked: How do i cut my 2 month old baby’s hair?

I know it may sound ridiculous but he was born with a full head of hair . It has grown more than it has fell off. Its already long in the back & so are his sideburns as well as the front! I dont want him to be mistaken for a girl. How would i go about giving him a little trim?Thankyou


Let him grow a mullet man

You don't. Wait until he's older and can hold his head up and get a proper trim.

My daughter had her fringe cut within 2 weeks of birth and then every month afterwards as it was growing so fast!

Get someone to hold baby still and just be very careful. It might be easier if baby is asleep.

Either you can do it or take him somewhere making sure they specialize in children so they know how to work around him if he wiggles.

There's no reason you can't cut his hair or have it cut.

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