Asked: When is the right time to cut my baby’s hair?

I've been always wondering about this. I actually shaved his hair off when he was 5 months old cuz it was so so long and straight.Now his hair is thicker and it feels a lil tough idk why? Is it because his hair is now not gonna be straight? My hair is super straight and my husband's hair is straight as well. So since I shave it off so early would that make his hair grow thicker, thight curls, dry, curly or straight again? Also it was dark brown mow is becoming blonde? Since I shaved his hair off would his hair change appearance? I'm confused pls help thank u lots!


Shaving makes zero difference. It does not change hair texture once it grows out further than a stubble.

Babies' hair just changes, just like eye colour.

The right time to cut a baby's hair is simply when it gets long enough to bother them. My son was born with a full head of hair, and in his almost 7 months I've already had to cut it a few times to keep it out of his eyes.

I don't see why you'd actually SHAVE a baby's head just because of long straight hair. I know some cultures shave all babies' heads, but it seems like overkill. Still it's not the reason why your son's hair is changing. The texture of my son's hair also changed, and he went from a dark dark brown to a lighter chestnut shade.

Shaving a baby's hair is extreme. Cut it when you think it looks too long. And accept the way his hair looks rather than worrying if it is straight or curly and about the colour.

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