Asked: Should I cut my hair b/c of split ends?

Exactly 4 months ago I decided to leave my hair long. My hair is straight thick coarse hair, central asian. I noticed my hair growing down to almost the tip of my nose, just in inch short. Before the strands of my hair were thick and a single strand would seem very dark and thick. However recently I noticed the strands getting thinner. Some of my coworkers and friends suggested that my hair had split ends. I researched and probably thought this could be the reason why I have thin hair. I do not want to start all over again, so any tips or advices?


You should get a trim. You don't need that much cut off… maybe about half an inch to two inches is good enough. Getting split ends cut is a good way to keep your hair healthy and looking healthy. No one is going to notice if you get a little trim since you hair is so long. Part of growing out your hair is making sure it is healthy and free of split ends. To prevent split ends, try not to use flat irons/ blow dryers often… And if always use heat protectant when you do. Deep condition your hair and comb it rather than brush it because brushing your hair can also cause split ends.

Absolutely, yes, you should trim your hair about every 4-6 weeks to get rid of the split ends. Getting trims allows hair to grow faster and healthier and trims are just better for hair, makes hair look/feel much better. You don't have to get a bunch trimmed off either, just say 1-2 inches. Every hair stylist will recommend trims. Hope I helped!

Split ends are very easy to identify: Grab some strands and look closely at the bottom of them. Do they split at the end? If so then yes, you're having trouble with split ends. If you are not doing a lot of damage to your hair (lots of heat damage for example) It is far more likely this is the product of your haircut growing out. Did the stylist use thinning shears or a texture razor on your hair? This can lead to thin looking ends when grown out. If this is more the case, a healthy trim would be appropriate. Ask the stylist to not use a razor and instead point cut throughout the hair (If you still want movement and some thinness to the hair) A gentle application of the thinning shears is fine but don't go crazy with it. If neither of these things are applicable it's time to have a look at your diet. Have your eating habits changed dramatically in that time? Have you begun or stopped taking any medication. Has there been major stress events in your life recently? These are common problems that cause hair to be thinner. a good multivitamin and biotin supplement can do wonders for thinning hair related to these problems. Hope this helps!

You want to trim your hair, so that your hair grows longer healthier.
It's a good idea to trim your hair at least once a month.

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