Asked: Laser hair removal – does it work & how long does it last?

I'm thinking of getting laser hair removal under my arms as I find shaving off all of the hairs difficult & they grow back so quickly (I have stubble the same day).
Does it really work & how long does it last?


A concentrated beam of light is aimed at hair. The light is absorbed by the pigment, which damages the follicle enough to retard future growth. Lasers can remove hair for anywhere from several months to years, as the results differ widely from person to person.
Depending on a person's pain tolerance, lasers can feel like a gentle pinch or the snap of a hot rubber band – keep in mind, hair grows in indeterminate cycles, and it needs to be caught in the growth phase for the procedure to be effective.
I wouldn't recommend laser removal as it's a very expensive procedure and you would need more than 1 treatment for it to be effective enough to see results.

Try waxing or epilating, hairs are pulled from the root and last roughly 2-4 weeks depending on the person, also A LOT cheaper than laser hair removal.
Good luck.

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