Asked: Wil olivie oil make ur hair grow longer?

Want my hair longer any thing I can put on it or any tips?



Not at all but it moisturizes it

try not using heat on it and also mane n tail shampoo helped my hair grow…i hope i helepd in some way =)


Average hair growth is about a half inch per month. It's programmed by your DNA & nothing can change it. There is no "miracle cure" that will instantly make your hair long. You just have to wait it out.

What olive oil is good for is a moisturizing serum. Coat your hair with it at night before bed, then wash it out the next morning for a nice overnight treatment. Or put a drop of it between your palms, rub your palms together & slick them down the ends of your hair for a silky leave-in conditioner/frizz tamer.
Be sure you use extra virgin olive oil – it has the least amount of processing.

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