Asked: Hair tips…. Please help!??!!!!!!!?

Hi…… I'd like to grow my hair super fast and have really long hair. Suggestions?


1 wash hair
2 eat right
3 sacrifice your friend to Satan for long hair

If your hair is damged it wont grow. Try home remedies like hot olive oil and mannaise as a hair treatment and just leave it overnight with a hot towel on your head. You have to trim it every month to. Eat plenty of vitamin e wich helos your hair skin and nails! also wash your hair with purified water and every 2 days!

Honestly. extensions. which are about $150.
Other than that there are plenty of "solutions" that all equal out to about the same thing. Time and patience. Trimming it when you should and never cutting more than you have to. Prenatals are the only thing i havent stuck through long enough to see the results but I would have to say my hair has only grown by taking care of it.

Hi:) I have struggled with the same problem for years! I want long hair FAST and i don't want to wait! Well, I have tryd every hair growth remedy under the sun, and none of them work. DO NOT spend any money on these kinds of things! Extensions are really the only other way to go, but they cost a lot to maintain & care for. Your best bet would be just to let your hair grow naturally. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but their are some things you can do to speed up the process.

1) Shower in cold water. This shocks the roots of your hair and "Wakes them up" Helping your hair grow longer:)

2) Get trims often. I know this seems like the opposite of what you want to do, but Cutting off dead or split ends actually helps you get healthy, long hair:)

3) Dont tease your hair!.Back combing or teasing your hair damages it and will make matters worse!

4) Limit heat use. Sometimes i know heat is nesesary, but damaging your hair isnt worth it!

5) At home remedys, and hair masks of sorts can be helpful! Just try foccusing on healthy hair, and not legnth! Your hair willl be longgg in no time! Ask me any other questions, i would be happy to help:)

Well there isn't too much you can do but there are a few things.
1) Eat right
2) Don't think that you shouldn't ever cut your hair, a trim is really good for your hair and sometimes can make it grow faster, but obviously don't cut it all off.

I think that is all…. I think maybe drinking / eating more dairy could help… or maybe that's just teeth… haha oh well:) Good luck!

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