Asked: Should i grow my hair back ?

I recently cut my hair , like a week ago. I cut it because this big incident happened and sometimes when i try to deal with stuff and start fresh . . I have this urge to cut my hair. Now im thinking about growing it back because i feel more womanly with my natural hair length. Should i let it grow back ?

short :

my natural length :


If you feel better with it long then i say grow it back! I personally have long-ish hair and i love it! Hopefully you will too!

I like the shoulder length better

I personally think it looks quite good with the shorter style, but if you really want to grow your hair longer, then I say go for it.I'm sure long hair will look great on you.Answer mine? ->

Yeah you should grow it back.I like women with longer hair. I personally think its ugly when women cut hair short.

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