Asked: What can I do with my hair/makeup/clothes to look prettier and be girlier?

hi there! <3

I wanted to get your opinion on my outfits, should I change anything? Is my makeup fine? And what about my hair?
thanks for all your help, I'm just a guy who'd love to be a girl, so I'm trying to be more feminine and grow my hair out and I'm a little unsure about how to be girly.

here are my pictures 🙂


Your actually very pretty!, I like your makeup it's not too much. Good luck 🙂

Oh my gosh what has the world come to? This is bad very bad…. Just be a freaking dude GOSH!!! Also just don't wear make-up most people use too much anyway.. and if you want to look like a girl get boobs!!

Where you shaved it will grow back and will be stubble I would suggest waxing or bleaching when it does.Good luck!! 🙂
Xoxo Leyla

I always wax mine.I have done that for 15 years.It grows back slowly and lightly.Eventually it will get back to normal but I don't usually let it get that bad.

The razor blade will cause stubble, and so does Nair or other hair removal creams. They only dissolve the hair to the skin level, not getting the root.

Waxing takes it off at the root.

Why did you shave your hair on your upper lip? It'll just grow back thicker and uglier. You should try to have your upper lip waxed or go for threading. At least the roots are also removed and hair will grow fine.

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