Asked: When will my hair grow back?

i cut my hair but it was compulsory. anyway, it looks like a boy punk cut with all the hair up. i just wanted to know the time until my hair will grow longer into shoulder length.

if you want to know what it kind of looks like, here's a link:


we r in the same boat..n i was thinking the same thing!! -WHEN MY HAIR WILL GROW LONGER?.. actually my hair is not ur length,my hair is up-the-shoulder length,but i just hate it!! no other ways,we have to wait maybe 2-3 years for that,, =(

Tbh, I had the same problem and still do, Yes maybe I don't wash my hair for a week maybe because I am busy, I started straighting my hair and ALSO using bed and shoulders that **** i have dandruff as well obovouisly I'm not the only one out there that this problem who knows but yeah my hair was so thick now it's so think and most of the time getting greasy. I want to know the problem too. Keep me in touch please?! x3

You definitely need to invest in some good products and change your hair care routine. The reason why your hair is thinning is because it hasn't got enough protein and moisture. Head and shoulders strips all the natural oils out and by straightening every day with no protection this makes it worse. The best thing to do is to start deep conditioning and using protein treatments. Also I would get these shampoos and conditioners

I would also recommend this protein treatment

if your scalp is a problem I have found this works amazingly and gets rid of dandruff

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