Main Question:

Faster hair growth???????????

Best Answer: by David

if you shampoo your hair by throwing it into a ball on top of your head, then stop that. The rubbing of hairs can cause them to split and tangle. just leave your hair down, rubbing shampoo into only the roots of your hair. The shampoo will works its way down your hair as you are doing this. When you dry your hair with your towel, do not shake your hair and rub it, just carefully squeeze the water out (without twisting the hair).

brush hair least as possible. The more you brush, the more hairs your break. The worst time to ever brush your hair is when it is wet. Wet hair is at its weakest (that’s why your find more hair in your brush when its wet). Brush after it is dried.

try a homemade hair mask with two eggs and four tablespoons of olive oil. Gross, but it really strengthens your hair.

brush hair with a wide tooth comb. brush your ends first, and work your way up your hair.

windy day? wear your hair up. It will prevent the hairs to rub against each other and tangle, causing less split ends

watch your trims. hair grows on average half an inch per month. Only trim what you need off. You can ask the stylist for a “dusting” instead of a “trim”. A dusting is cutting off less than an inch.

keep it moisturized. i know moisture doesn’t seem like it will hep it grow, but dry hairs are weaker and more prone to breakage than hair that is moist. try a deep conditioner or even mayo (add Rosemary oil or even vanilla to it to help that gross smell). Or even simply do not rinse off your conditioner.

Sleep in a bun (or even curlers to keep yourself from using that damaging curling iron or straightener in the morning). believe it or not, the tossing and turning in your bed can damage the free hair on your pillow. Again, breakage and rubbing of the ends. Make sure the bun is loose and is not tugging on your roots. Tugging on the roots supposedly slow down growth

residue and clogging at the pores of the roots of your hair (from dead skin, too much scalp oil, or even hair product) can slow down growing of the hair. Use a clarifying shampoo or try something you already have at home: half apple cider vinegar and half water mixed together and apply to the scalp.

1 take showers at night. Avoid the hair dryer as much as possible by taking a shower at night so your hair is dry in the morning without damage.

1 sunny day? put the hair up or put it in a braid. Anything to avoid any sun exposure of the hair.

1 Take a daily multi vitamin. Make sure that it had biotin in it. a lot of multi vitamins do not have this and biotin is what really makes it grow faster, the other vitamins make the growing out hair “healthier” not faster.


Hope it helps 🙂