Asked: How can I grow more thicker fuller hair?

My hair is currently straight and long. However, it's not full, but not really thin. How can I make it fuller? Also, I have really little hair at the top of my head. I was looking at my scalp and realized I have really little hair pores. Can I grow more hair at the scalp? My hair falls off in the shower; is that normal?

-The only products I use on my hair is shampoo and conditioner. Sometimes I'll use dry shampoo or leave in conditioner.
-I wash my hair everyday.


Ok first off don't wash ur hair everyday, it needs natural oils that help it stay healthy which if you wash out everyday it won't be able to do.

You can use different oils that are said to of helped people thicken there hair like coconut oil, almond oil or even cooking oil. What I am using right now to LENGTHEN my hair because my hair was cut too short is Biotin this keeps the hair and healthy and long also clears skin. If you choose to take biotin then drink LOTS of water as its water soluble and if not it can cause spots. Also massage your head and rinse with cold water to help blood flow to the hair this gives a larger chance of thickening and lengthening your hair quicker.

Your hair should not be falling out too much in the shower a few is ok but not the extent it's in clumps or really obvious…. Good luck

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