Asked: please help a curly girl out when she is trying to grow her hair long?

hello I have been growing my hair out for the last 3 years now and it's not even close to passed my shoulder yet and I cant do nothing with my hair these days. I really want to grow it long but in some ways want to cut it back short like I used to have it. my left side has grown way longer then the other side so im afraid to wear my hair down because it will look like crap and I used so much hair spray just to get my hair to look good and I want to get away from it because I feel it's damaging my hair and slowing down my process of growing my hair out. I just want a really simple way for me to wear my hair with out caring what I look like even if the wind catches my hair some I have been wearing it up for awhile now. I just feel like I want to cut it off and everyone else is telling me to keep growing it out because looks good on me. what am I to do help me please


If you're unhappy with the texture and curliness of your hair, you may consider getting a brazilian blowout. It would make it more manageable c:

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