Asked: Re dying hair lighter?

My natural hair color is light brown, and I dye it red. I want to change it up by growing it out, and dying it a lighter, more blonde color. Is there a good way to do this without bleach? Should I re dye it light brown then lighten it with the lemon juice and sun technique?Any help is appreciated (:


Honestly you should just bleach it. Make sure you use deep conditioning stuff though after. Use heat protectant… trust me bleachin it every once and a while wont kill it

If you don't want to do bleach, get a dark spray bottle and put 75% peroxide and 25% water! Then spray and go in the sun! Lei man juice technique works too 🙂

If you're planning on letting the red fade out completely, (and if it even DOES fade out completely) you could possibly get a lighter hair color by just using blond hair dye with added hair lightener already in it. It won't do that much though, so if you want to go blond blond, you will need to bleach it. And please do your research before you do. However! If your hair is still red when you try to do it, it may come out a darkish strawberry blond color, or it could do something else totally funky. Always do a strand test before doing the whole head to see what it does to your hair.

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