Asked: What do you think about super long hair?

I'm a girl and I have thick but not too thick hair with natural lose barrel curls, and I take care of my hair very well. So I've had this thought in my mind about letting my hair grow down to my mid thigh. I'll take care of it and not use much heat on it, also I condition wash my hair. I personally think long hair looks better on me. I have had short hair before and I was just a frizzy fuzzball no matter what I did to it. Currently I have my hair down to the bottom of my bra strap when it's naturally curled. But when I do straighten it, it goes down about mid of my back. So I'm wondering would it still being consider gross if I grow my hair down to my mid thigh and take good care of it?


I think super long hair is cute

I don't think it's gross as long as you take good care of it. Long, curly hair is so pretty anyways!

No I think that's really cool I'm trying to grow my hair out to if u keep good care of it why not guys like long hair lol well most anyways

I think that that'd look lovely! Girl's with long hair are gorgeous, and as long as you are able to keep it managed, I'm sure you'll look beautiful!

in my opinion, you shouldn't let your hair grow past your waist. my hair is probably the same length as yours right now. it's just that letting it grow to your mid thigh is too long. since you have curls it's really nice to let it grow long but not too long. i suggest you let it grow until your waist at the most. (: good luck!

Super lobg hair is beautiful but mid thigh is way too much, it will make you look older and kind of slouchy of its that long. Try belly button length but with layers or else it will look heavy

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